Strength Training Over 40 From the Inside Out
The 7 Elements We Must Have in Place to Succeed at a Fitness Program
Strength Training has been scientifically proven to benefit much more than our structural health alone!
Painful joints and even avoiding joint surgery as well as quicker recovery time from joint surgery.
A sluggish or slowing metabolism. (Putting weight on more easily than before))
General weakness and the inability to do the things you used to do with ease
Poor posture and muscle imbalances
Fatigue and lack of overall energy as well as acheiving better sleep
Repeated Injuries and maintaining independence upon people and/or prosthetics and mobility equipment
High blood sugar and Insulin Resistance
Brain fog or declining cognitive health
Diminished libido
Hormonal Issues such as some menopausal symptoms (women) or decreased testosterone (men)
Here's How it Will Unfold
FREE PREVIEWFinding Your Why, Changing Limiting Behaviours, General Health Clearance (Please Print)
The Importance of Strength Training PDF (Please Print)
Age Specific Considerations PDF (Please Print)
Fitness Readiness
Finding Your Why Worksheet PDF (Print and fill out or use sticky notes)
The Stages of Change PDF
The Stages of Change (slideshow)
Staying Properly Hydrated
Did You Know?
The Importance of Water PDF
Dynamic Stretching
More About Dynamic Stretching
Exercises for Quadriceps and Glute Muscles Video (Captioned)
Glutes ~ Why We Need to Keep Them Strong!
Quadriceps and Gluteal Muscles Slide show
QUIZ (Introduction to Strength Training and Dynamic Stretching)
Food and Nutrition Basics
Emotional Eating Video
Nutrition Basics
Emotional Eating
FREE PREVIEWKeeping a Food Diary For Weight Loss and/or Emotional Eating (Optional)
Emotional Eating Workbook (Printable)
Hamstring and Calf Exercises Video
Romanian Deadlift Tutorial
Calves and Hamstring Presentation Slide Show
Quiz Two- Nutrition (Hamstring and Calf Muscles)
The Importance of Sleep
Day 3 Sleep PDF
The Surprising Link Between Sleep and Dehydration formatted (1)
A Few Reasons to Get More Sleep
SleepTracker (Download and Print)
Exercises for Back and Biceps
Back and Bicep Slide Show
Module 3 Sleep (Back and Biceps)
Managing Time
Time Management
Chest and Triceps Exercises with Bodyweight, dumbbells and resistance bands
Chest and Triceps Anatomy Slideshow
Module 4 Time Management (Chest and Triceps)
Sitting Less for Good Health
Exercises to Help Counter Long-Period Sitting
Day 5 _ Sitting Less and Moving More (3)
Shoulder Slideshow
Shoulder Exercises ~ Dumbbell and resistance band
Quiz Five: Sitting Too Much (Shoulders)
Conquering Negative Self-talk
Self-Sabotage-How-to-Banish-Self-Destructive-Behaviors-Worksheet ~ Optional (Download and Print)
Day 6 _ Negative Self-Talk PDF
Negative-to-Positive Thinking Worksheet
Core Exercise Demonstration Video
Core Slideshow (Anatomy Based)
Body Weight Exercises (Including Core) Review
QUIZ Six~ Negative Self Talk (Core)
Share! Find Your Tribe!
Find Your Tribe
Static Stretching Video
static stretches slideshow
More Static Stretch Ideas (Printable PDF)
Share Your Goals (Static Stretching)
Bodyweight, Dumbbell, and Resistance Band Workout
Set and Repetitions
Focus on Breathing
Why We Breathe Incorrectly
A Transformational Guided Meditation
Book recommendations
Additional Resources
Workout log (Print and keep)
Weekly Meal and Water Tracker
Miscellaneous Worksheets and Emotional Eating Workbook
EBook with PDFs
FREE PREVIEWHere is a list of items you will want to have for the exercise segment
2-3 sets of dumbbells of varying weight
AND/OR Resistance bands of varying strengths
Some comfy clothes and shoes suitable for exercise
A yoga mat or something similar for floor exercises
The willingness to change your life forever! (And that's no exaggeration!)
Absolutely! Our muscles will always respond in a positive way if we do it right. Consulting with a strength training professional is essential to set you up for success!
Yes, you can! You can begin by using your own body weight. As you get stronger, you'll want to have some resistance bands with a door attachment, and maybe even 2 or 3 sets of dumbbells on hand. But you absolutely do not need to go to a gym to strength train.
The short answer is Yes! As we age, we must provide our muscles with added resistance for them to get stronger. There's no getting around it. I have had a few over-50 yoga instructors as clients who were concerned about losing strength. Nothing will replace the progressive overload type of exercise that lifting weights provides.
Strength training is an awesome way to rev up our metabolism. We begin to lose muscle in our mid-30s and our muscle is directly tied to our metabolism. So muscle loss slows our metabolism and building muscle speeds it up! Also the act of strength training burns a lot of calories both while we're exercising and long after we stop. With cardio we stop burning calories the minute we stop. The combination of some cardio and strength training is ideal.
Lifting weights is the best thing you can do to prevent osteoporosis and there are studies showing that bone density can be improved even once you have the diagnosis. As for arthritis, absolutely yes! The medical field has changed its stance on this. They used to say avoid most types of exercise to protect the arthritic joints, but now strength training is advised for arthritic joints. Just be sure you're doing it right.